And Salmon the father of Boaz by Rahab ... (Matthew 1:5a)Â

These few words in the genealogy of Jesus hide the story of a remarkable marriage. You may remember Rahab. She was a prostitute in Jericho at the time when the Israelites were about to start conquering the land. Now Rahab had heard of how God saved Israel from Egypt, and she believed in the Lord. So when Joshua sent spies into her city, she protected them by hiding them on the roof of her house. She sent them away safely, and they in turn protected her and all her family on the day when Jericho fell. After that, what? We don't know. She fades into obscurity-a prostitute, a Canaanite-and an ancestor of Jesus. Wait, what? Somehow, some way, Rahab wound up as daughter-in-law to Nahshon, "the prince of the sons of Judah" (1 Chronicles 2:10b). Her husband was Salmon, and the family was very distinguished. I would love to know how a leader of Judah made a match with a woman of her background! But even that match, unequal as it was, is nothing compared to the match God has made with us.

God sent His own Son, Jesus Christ, to redeem all of us. The Bible even calls us the people of God, His "bride"-the ones He laid down His own life for, to save us and make us His own. Now it makes sense for Jesus to have such a remarkable marriage in His ancestry. He, too, has sought us out to make an unequal, wonderful match. We were once outsiders, nobodies, carrying the burden of shame and sin. But the Lord of heaven and earth looked at us, loved us, and came down to earth to make us His own people. By His death and resurrection He has cleansed us from all the shame and evil that stained us before. In their place, He gives us forgiveness, joy, holiness, everlasting life-and best of all, Himself. Now that’s quite a Valentine gift!

Pastor Anthony

Revelation 2:10 - (Jesus said) "Do not fear what you are about to suffer. Behold, the devil is about to throw some of you into prison, that you may be tested, and for ten days you will have tribulation. Be faithful unto death, and I will give you the crown of life."

Today Christians find themselves surrounded by all kinds of doubters and deniers. They are all sure that the Savior's story of salvation is a sham; they just are hard-pressed to tell us why they know it is a fake. In contrast to what these skeptics and cynics think they know, Christians base their faith on some pretty serious facts.

Here's one we don't often think about. Look, do you think these disciples would have been martyred, holding fast to the preaching of a prank? Do you think these cowering, cringing cowards could be turned into lions for the Lord if they had not believed in a risen Christ? They knew and armed with the knowledge of a living Lord Jesus they went into all the world and proclaimed, "Christ is risen!"  Under the city of Rome, there are over 600 miles of catacombs: 600 miles of graves cut into the rock. In these alcoves the dead have been laid to rest. Believer lies next to unbeliever. What I would like you to do is look into the Christian graves. Well, maybe you had better do so with a medical examiner. A forensic expert will be able to explain how many of those skeletons tell terrible tales. There are heads severed from bodies, ribs and shoulder blades broken, bones calcified from having been burned with fire. Despite the awful sufferings these bodies endured, the inscriptions on those Christian tombs shout of victory and triumph. One says, "Here lies Marcia, put to rest in peace." Another says, "Lawrence, borne away by angels." Yet another reads, "Being called away, he went in peace."

Now, having seen the graves of the believers, take a look at those tombs which hold the bones of those who had no faith in the risen Lord. Without a faith in Jesus, they say things like "Live for the present hour since you can be sure of nothing else." Another is bitter as it says: "I lift my hands against the gods who killed me at the age of twenty." A third pleads: "Traveler, do not curse me as you pass. I am in darkness and cannot answer."

That, my friends, is a dramatic difference! What could give hope to family and mourners who had seen a loved one be victimized by hatred and die in horror? What could bring joy to those who had seen justice and judgment so unfairly pronounced? There is only one answer: the living Lord Jesus. The reality of the Savior's resurrection is what brings souls from darkness into light, from horror to hope, from hell to heaven. Those early believers knew the pain they might have to suffer for their faith. If they were going to endure until the end they had to be sure -- absolutely sure -- that Jesus' resurrection was not just some cosmic joke made up by the disciples.  And this is the point: they were sure.  Baptized into the faith, given the Holy Spirit, and ready to share the faith!

Pastor Anthony

John 10:11, 12a, 13-14, 16 - (Jesus said) "I am the Good Shepherd. The Good Shepherd lays down His life for the sheep. He who is a hired hand ... flees because he is a hired hand and cares nothing for the sheep. I am the Good Shepherd. I know My own and My own know Me. ... And I have other sheep that are not of this fold. I must bring them also, and they will listen to My voice. So there will be one flock, one Shepherd."

If you want a dog to herd your flock of sheep, you may want to take a look at a Border Collie. If you want a dog to protect your sheep, you need to get a Great Pyrenees. The "Pyr," which looks like a white St. Bernard, is willing to fight and to die in the protection of the flock.

Roland Hendel of Santa Rosa, California, had two such dogs. One protected their flock of goats during the day; the other did the same job through the night. When the wildfires started to cross the valley toward his home, Hendel decided to evacuate. He got his children, their dogs and cats. Sadly, the goats had to be left behind. There was no room for them. On his Facebook page, Hendel wrote, "Odin, our stubborn and fearless Great Pyrenees would not leave the goats." As they drove away, the family cried because they were certain they were saying goodbye to their dog and their goats. It took some time before Hendel and his family could return to what once had been their home. The house was gone, and some of the trees were still smoldering when they arrived. Everyone agreed that nothing living could have survived that inferno. Everyone agreed, that is, except for the goats who showed up, seemingly out of nowhere. And Odin, their dedicated caretaker? Well, Odin didn't run to them. His limping leg prevented that. Nevertheless, Odin did show up, along with a few baby deer who, like the flock, had been preserved, in some miraculous way, by that big hero of a dog.

Two-thousand years ago, the Lord Jesus Christ referred to Himself as the "Good Shepherd." In the verses which followed that statement, Jesus explained exactly what that term meant to Him. It meant that because He loved His sheep He would lay down His life to save them. It meant that He knew His flock, and they would follow Him to safety. It meant that He would call together a great flock of those who trusted His voice. Yes, Jesus is the Shepherd, and like everything else He predicted, His prophecies here proved true. Jesus did lay down His life so His people might live. On a Roman cross, He was crucified and in a borrowed tomb His lifeless body was placed. Everyone agreed nobody could ever survive that cross. And everyone would be right. Jesus did die. But Jesus also ended up defeating death. He showed to all the world He was alive, and instructed His undershepherds to increase the size of the flock. They were to bring in all who had been saved by the Good Shepherd who laid down His life for the sheep.

Pastor Anthony

John 14:6 - Jesus said to him "I am the Way, and the Truth, and the Life. No one comes to the Father except through Me.

The old Kosciuszko Bridge is no more.

Eighty years ago, New York officials proudly opened the Kosciuszko Bridge, which connected Brooklyn and Queens. When they did so, they heralded the opening of a new era of travel when quick-and-easy passage would take place between those two great boroughs.

There were two problems: First, the politicians were overly optimistic in their glowing remarks concerning the future;  Second, the engineers who did the designing had greatly underestimated the amount of traffic which would want to make use of their span.

Indeed, the bridge was designed to handle only 25 percent of the traffic that currently passes over it, and it now has become a great bottleneck for commuters, visitors, and commerce. After many years of frustration, the decision was finally made to bring down the bridge. In a matter of seconds, hundreds of explosive charges reduced the 22-million pounds of steel to a great pile of scrap metal.

It should be noted there was no such engineering difficulty 2,000 years ago when the Savior built a new bridge between sinful humankind and the Triune God. The Savior's bridge was capable of handling the souls of every man, woman, and child who ever lived. On this bridge there would be no bottlenecks; there would be no traffic jams; there would be no complications. No toll or payment was demanded from those who wished to make use of the bridge. From the day the bridge's plan was first revealed to Adam and Eve in the Garden of Eden -- until it was completed on Resurrection Sunday -- the bridge was designed to be free.  Understand, there had been a cost, but that charge was paid for by God's Son, the world's Savior. The foundation had been laid when He had fulfilled the laws we had broken; the span was set by His resistance to temptation; and the roadbed had been completed when He had conquered death the day He rose. Because of Jesus' finished work, all who believe in Him as Savior have their sins forgiven and are granted passage from Earth to heaven. Now if I make this bridge sound like a good thing, it is. But you should know there are problems. First, the bridge is capable of handling far more souls than are currently using it. Second, the bridge will not be there forever. The time is coming when it will, like the Kosciuszko span, be taken down. Which explains why it is our job to encourage as many people to use God's bridge as possible, that is, to believe in Jesus as Savior, while there is still time. The ridge between God and you is also open for free communication right now.  Give that a try also.

Pastor Anthony

Boaz was the father of Obed by Ruth, and Obed the father of Jesse, and Jesse the father of David the king. ... (Matthew 1:5b-6a)

Ruth is another person you would not expect to show up in the family tree of Jesus. She was a foreigner, a woman from Moab-a poor immigrant to Bethlehem who worked hard in the fields to support her mother-in-law. Her story is told in the Book of Ruth. Ruth was a believer in the Lord, the God of Israel. She learned to know Him during her first marriage to an Israelite man who died young. After his death, Ruth clung to the Lord and to what family she had left, and she left her home country to live in Israel. Ruth had almost nothing at that point. But God watched over her and gave her everything-a home, a husband and family, and an honored place among the ancestors of Jesus.

And what of you? I suspect you, like so many people, can think of a time when you felt you had almost nothing. It might have been after a job loss, foreclosure, or a loss of spouse, a time when you lost so many of the physical things you depend on. Or it might have been more of an emotional or social situation, where you had what you needed physically, but you lost friends, family, love, reputation, or peace. Times like these force us to our knees, force us to call out to the Lord, saying, "Lord, save us!" We know we cannot help ourselves. But He can help us, and He will. The God who laid aside glory, honor, and power to become a helpless human baby for our sakes-He will help us quickly. We are never out of His heart and mind.

Jesus loves us deeply, and He has become our Savior. He did not just come as a baby to ooo and ahh at, It is for us that He suffered, died, and rose from the dead. He is our life, our hope, and our peace. When we have the Lord, we have everything. REJOICE!

Pastor Anthony

Luke 19:10 - (Jesus said) "For the Son of Man came to seek and to save the lost."

Way back when, a newspaper once asked Daniel Boone if he had ever been lost. The old explorer answered, "I've never been lost, but I once was mighty confused for three days."

Using that logic, most of us could say, "We've never lost our glasses, our wallets, our purses, our tools, or anything else. We've just misplaced them for an unknown period of time." And then we optimistically have to add, "But we expect to have them back very soon." I suppose that is also true for the man in Frankfurt, Germany, who had his car stolen in 1997. He reported the theft to the police and had every hope that the vehicle would be found and returned. Sadly, it was a false hope. Five, ten, fifteen, twenty years came and went without a hint. Then, when all seemed lost, the vehicle turned up. It was found in a warehouse which was going to be destroyed. Those who were entrusted with the demolition told the police who traced the vehicle to its last owner: the man who had reported his vehicle as having been stolen. The truth was the vehicle had been in that warehouse for 20 years. It hadn't moved from the spot where the absentminded man had left it. That report isn't much different from a German man who went to Oktoberfest in Munich. After a few beers, the man went to get his car, but it was not where he was sure he had left it. It took two years before the police found the vehicle two and a half miles from where he thought he had lost it. Oh, in the trunk of that vehicle, there was over $100,000 in cash and tools.

Now folks, it's one thing for a person to lose some belongings -- even a car -- but it's quite another thing for a person to lose his faith in his Lord. Sadly, most of us know more than one person who has lost both. Now the reason I bring it up is simple: we are entering the season of Advent and then Christmas. Both of these events on the church calendar are unique in their ability to touch lost souls and bring them back to the Lord and Savior whose life was offered to rescue us. The theme of God's Son coming to rescue all the world's lost is an emphasis which appeals to many. So, why not invite such a soul to church with you this Christmas? Wouldn't it be great to hear him or her say, "I once was confused and lost for a while, but now I'm saved and I know where I ‘m going."

Pastor Anthony

Jeremiah 9:23-24 - Thus says the LORD: "Let not the wise man boast in his wisdom, let not the mighty man boast in his might, let not the rich man boast in his riches, but let him who boasts boast in this, that he understands and knows Me, that I am the LORD who practices steadfast love, justice, and righteousness in the earth. For in these things I delight, declares the LORD."

Have you ever been impressed at how smart some people can be? Me, too.  I have been at lectures where I hadn't understood a single thing the speaker was saying, and yes, he was talking English.  I have been with families when the doctor used so many 25-cent medical words to describe the patient's condition that, when he was done, nobody knew if their loved one was really sick, getting better, or had been completely cured. I have even played trivia against folks who got every single answer right in every category on the board. That was really depressing. On the other hand, people are not always incredibly smart, are they?

The Iowa Department of Transportation put out an important clarification for motorists who were confused by the signs which warned of deer crossings. One of those drivers spoke for many when they wrote to the IDOT and suggested, "Why don't you put these signs where it is safer for deer to cross?" The IDOT wrote back, and I quote them lest you think I make this up: "Deer can't read signs. Drivers can. This sign isn't intended to tell deer where to cross; it's for drivers to be alert that deer have been in this area in the past."

Now the point of all this is simple. The world is filled with all kinds of people whom the Lord has blessed with an unbelievable spectrum of gifts. All of those gifts can be used wisely or foolishly; all of them can move us to appreciation for, or disdain of, our Maker. In the text above, the Lord Himself gives us a clue on how we should live and use the blessings He has bestowed. First, He suggests that we don't brag to the world on how good we are, how smart we are, how strong we are.  That's because everything we are and have and hope to be flows from His benevolent hand. No, if we are going to point with pride to anything or anyone, let our praises rest on the Triune God. Not only has He made and preserved us, He has also saved us. Jesus coming, His life, His death, and resurrection are gifts which bring about forgiveness and eternal life.  Now, for those gifts we give thanks to God. It is after all, the wise thing to do.

Pastor Anthony
Ephesians 2:8-10 - For by grace you have been saved through faith. And this is not your own doing; it is the gift of God, not a result of works, so that no one may boast.

Our church just celebrated the fellow who nailed his 95 debating points to the church door in Wittenberg, the fellow who had to have a Diet of Worms. And, no, kids, Luther didn't really have a diet of worms; he just had to go and defend himself to some important people in the German city of Worms. For a lot of folk, I think this anniversary is a big deal. Still, if you do a search for "Martin Luther" on Google, before you get to anything on the reformer, you will have to wade through a whole bunch of articles on "Martin Luther King." Just for the record, last century's MLK was named that because his father was so impressed by the theologian of 500 years ago. So, the question is was Martin Luther really that big a deal?

  A few years ago, the TV series Biography had a countdown of the 100 most influential people of the past 1,000 years. Do you know who was first? No, it wasn't Luther. It was the movable-type German printer, Gutenberg. But do you know who was second? No, it wasn't Luther. It was Sir Isaac Newton who contributed to physics, math, and the far reaches of the universe. Do you know who was third? Yes! Luther. The guy who wasn't a scientist, who never led an army, ruled a country, or painted a masterpiece. But there's more. You should know the folks on Biography weren't alone in their feelings about Luther. TIME Magazine put Luther in the second position of 100 most influential individuals of the last millennium. Now that may seem like a pretty lofty position for a fellow who wrote some debating points and went to a debate or two. And if that is all Luther did, it would be a lot. But Luther did more, much more. He gave people the Bible in their own language, promoted education, wrote music, and did things to touch almost every aspect of religious and secular life. Still, there is one thing Luther did not do. He did not want people to call themselves "Lutheran."

  In 1522, Luther, in his own colorful way, wrote, "I ask that men make no reference to my name and call themselves not Lutherans but Christians. What is Luther? St. Paul would not allow Christians to call themselves Pauline or Petrine. How then should I, a poor evil-smelling maggot sack have men give to the children of Christ my worthless name?" (Luther had a way with words, didn't he?) Luther took that position because, above and beyond everything else, Luther used the Bible to point people to the grace of God which is found only in Jesus Christ, God's Son, the world's Savior. Luther pointed out that the Bible wanted lost and sinful souls to realize that when the Holy Spirit gives them faith in the Savior, there is forgiveness and life eternal. And, if Luther had done nothing else, that would have been enough.

Pastor Anthony

The light shines in the darkness, and the darkness has not overcome it. John 1:5

Sin has come; suffering as well.

But the Savior has also come. His entire life was filled with suffering -- suffering which He bore for us, suffering which made Him one of us, suffering He endured so our punishment might be removed.

In the early part of the 1900s, outside a brick tenement in New York City, a boy dressed in ragged clothes was seen with a small piece of broken mirror in his hand.

Holding that mirror high above his head, the boy moved it slowly back and forth so it reflected on the building above.

A policeman slowly approached, watched for a while and finally said, "Lad, what are you doing with that mirror?"

A bystander suggested, "Like most boys in this neighborhood, he's probably up to no good."

The boy gave a dirty glance to the man who made the uncalled-for comment, and then he answered the officer: "Do ya see that window up there? Well, I have a liddle brudder whose in that room on that floor. He's a crippled and can't move aroun'. The only sunlight he ever sees is what I shines up ta him with this mirrer."

That, my friends, is what Jesus has done to us in our suffering.

Our divine Brother came into this world to live for us, to die for us, to rise for us.

Now, He who is light, shines that light into our lives. He brings light to us who are crippled by sin and suffering.

Why has a specific suffering come to you? I cannot say. I do know this, that Jesus Christ, the Light of the world will help you carry it, conquer it, cast it aside, or endure it. That may not be the answer you want, but it is God's answer, and it is an answer birthed in love and proven on the cross and at the open and empty tomb.

Jesus, the Light of the world comes to you, this day.

I encourage you; place your cares upon Him. Be confident that no pain or problem, no sadness or sorrow is so big He cannot heft it and help you. I can make this promise because Scripture has assured me of its truth: the darkness of sin, devil and death cannot conquer the light which Jesus has brought. Now be a light in this darkened world...share with them about Jesus!
Pastor Anthony

Passing alongside the Sea of Galilee, He saw Simon and Andrew the brother of Simon casting a net into the sea, for they were fishermen. And Jesus said to them, "Follow Me, and I will make you become fishers of men." And immediately they left their nets and followed Him. Mark 1:16-18

When Jesus passed by Simon, Andrew, and the other fishermen of Galilee, He called them and they went.

When Jesus passed by Matthew's tax collector's table, the Savior called the publican and he went.

These men found themselves blessed because they listened and responded to the Savior's summons. In the years which were before them, there must have been many times they gave thanks to the Lord that they had walked with and listened to the Savior.

Of course, we need to realize not all voices of authority can be trusted.

For example, take the case of Patricia Maione. Recently, Maione found herself in the sand trap of Whitinsville Golf Club in Northbridge, Massachusetts. Now that would be just fine if she had been playing golf. She wasn't. She was driving her car.

Maione says her GPS told her to make a left turn. She listened, made the left turn, drove through a cornfield and onto the golf course.

You see, it does make a difference what voice you select as your authority. Maione says she was wrong to trust her GPS. The police say she was wrong to think she could drink and drive. She was arrested for driving with a suspended license and fourth offense drunken driving.

Yes, it makes a difference to whom you listen. Some voices may be respected; some voices may carry wisdom and truth. But no voice can be trusted as thoroughly and completely as that of our Heavenly Father.

When He promises to send His Son to be the world's Savior, that promise is kept. And when that Son says He will be crucified and on the third day rise again, you can trust He has done all that is necessary to save your soul.

One-hundred percent confidence, one-hundred percent of the time -- that's the way we can listen to the Lord. Let's listen to God and forget the voices of the world.
Pastor Anthony

Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, he is a new creation. The old has passed away; behold, the new has come. All this is from God, who through Christ reconciled us to Himself and gave us the ministry of reconciliation. 2 Corinthians 5:17-18

My friends who are adept with a bow and arrow tell me there are two ways to hit the bull's eye.

The first way is to shoot your arrow and then, very quickly, run to wherever your arrow has landed and paint a target, which features your arrow at the center. The second way is to practice until your aim is such that when the arrow is unleashed it goes to the heart of the target.

Apparently, that difference is not well understood by the current leaders of the 103-year-old Brownies and Guides of Great Britain. The equivalent of our Girl Scouts, the oath of that organization was "On my honour, I promise that I will do my best to do my duty to God and to the Queen, to help other people and to keep the Scout law."

Now that pledge has been changed.

Although the commitment to the Queen is left intact, the promise to the Lord is out. Instead of doing "my duty to God," the new oath says I will "be true to myself" and "develop my beliefs." Forget about pleasing God, just please yourself; all you need do is draw a target around your arrow.

Am I exaggerating? Not at all. Gill Slocombe, the Chief Guide said, "... it is fantastic that our members have come up with a promise that they feel they can confidently say and feel that they can keep."

It is my hope the Christian church doesn't walk their path.

Indeed, I don't know how we could. All of Scripture tells us that humanity is a pretty pitiful thing, and our hearts incline toward evil. On our own we are lost, condemned and damned.

Thankfully, we have a Lord who was not content to leave us on our own.

So we might be changed, our Heavenly Father sent His only Son into this world to take our place. Jesus spent His entire life living, suffering and dying so that we might, in Him, be washed of our sins and become a new creation.

With faith in Jesus we are able to see the poor souls we once had been and give thanks for the forgiven souls Jesus has made us. Because of faith in the Redeemer we are free to glorify and thank the Lord with a new standard of living, speaking and thinking.

In short, the Lord gave us a target to shoot at.

That's what St. Paul said when he wrote, "Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, he is a new creation. The old has passed away; behold, the new has come. All this is from God, who through Christ reconciled us to Himself."

Pastor Anthony

Again Jesus spoke to them, saying, “I am the light of the world. Whoever follows me will not walk in darkness, but will have the light of life. John 8:12

During World War II an aircraft carrier was out in the North Atlantic. Six pilots took off from the carrier to spot enemy submarines. While the pilots were gone, the captain of the ship was forced to issue an alarm. A button was pushed and instantaneously every light on the ship was extinguished. While their mother ship remained in blackout, the pilots started to return. The experienced airmen knew their ship was down there. Yes, she was down there somewhere, they just didn't know her exact location.
They radioed the ship: "Give us light, we're coming home." The radio operator on the ship radioed back: "The order is for a blackout. We can't give you more light."
Another pilot picked up his microphone and said, 'Just give us some light and we can make it." To his request the radio operator said, "No light - blackout."
A third pilot went on his radio and begged, "Look buddy, all we need is one light. Give us just one light, and we can try to land." The operator could do no more. With great reluctance he reached over, turned the switch and broke radio contact. Six aviators, the pride of their families, hometowns, and country went down in the cold north Atlantic Ocean and into eternity.
There is a point to this terribly tragic story. It should be noted that those aviators were highly trained flyers. Even more they were good men trying to do the right thing. This they did by following orders and fighting for a noble purpose. But, no matter how good they were, how trained they were, how noble they were, without that light they were lost.
It is no different for the rest of humanity.

People can be kind, noble, committed, and live every minute of their lives for others. They can try as hard as they can, but without the Light of Jesus Christ, they are still lost, they are still helpless, they are still damned. Which is why those who are saved need to give thanks for the Light and show His light intheir lives so those who are still lost need to see just how much they need Jesus light. We pray that God will grant such a thing happen for these millions before they go down, die, and enter eternity. Turn your light on so they can come home.
Pastor Anthony

I waited patiently for the Lord; He inclined to me and heard my cry. He drew me up from the pit of destruction, out of the miry bog, and set my feet upon a rock, making my steps secure. He put a new song in my mouth, a song of praise to our God. ... Psalms 40:1-3a

"Then the bottom just seemed to drop out from underneath me."

That's an expression many of us have used to describe a totally negative and unexpected event. When most of us use that line, we mean it in figuratively.

Dan Sligh and his wife say it literally.

The husband-wife team was going camping. They were crossing a bridge which spanned the Skagit River when something unexpected happened. Unbeknownst to them a truck had hit one of the overhead girders on the bridge, weakened the structure, and caused a massive structural failure.

Speaking from a hospital room where he and his wife were recovering from minor injuries, Sligh explained "the bridge in front of us disappeared in a 'big puff of dust.'"

Sligh reacted quickly, but not quickly enough. The truck slid over the bridge's edge and fell 50 feet into the water. As they fell, Sligh and his wife braced themselves for impact and hung on.

Most of us will never find ourselves on a bridge where the road disappears. That being said, I am just as sure most of us will encounter times when we are on unsafe and unsure footing, when it seems the bottom has dropped out from under us.

The arrival of a painful or terminal illness, the betrayal of a friend, the loss of a job or loved one, can all put us on some unsure footing.

When that happens, I hope you will hang on. No, I don't expect you to try and hang on to whatever is causing you sadness and hurt. When something underneath you is failing and falling away, it is no good trying to hold on to that thing; it will just drag you down with it.

The smart and spiritual thing to do is ask the Holy Spirit to brace your faith in the crucified and ever-living Savior. Brace yourself and, by faith, hold on to the Lord who

1.has promised to be with you in difficulty;

2.has promised He and you can carry any problem which comes your way;

3.has promised to take you through your problem or take you away from that problem.

That's what King David did. From experience he tells us what will happen when we trust our Lord. He wrote, "I waited patiently for the Lord; He inclined to me and heard my cry. He drew me up from the pit of destruction, out of the miry bog, and set my feet upon a rock, making my steps secure. He put a new song in my mouth, a song of praise to our God."
Pastor Anthony

(Jesus said) "One who is faithful in a very little is also faithful in much, and one who is dishonest in a very little is also dishonest in much." Luke 16:10

Jesus wanted His listeners to know that little things make a difference.

That's true in religion as well as in construction. Did you know the first modern attempt to dig a canal across the Isthmus of Panama was made by a French company? It did a pretty good job. Dedicated men and special machinery tackled the mountains and the jungles.

Even so, the project had to be abandoned. Amazingly, it was mosquitoes, not the mountains, which caused the company to shut things down. Yellow fever carried by the mosquitoes killed thousands.

The project was picked up again when American doctors found ways of protecting people against mosquitoes. Although the project was still incredibly difficult and complicated, when the mosquitoes were taken care of, the mountains were conquered.

Now the point is this: there is a great difference between the size of mountains and mosquitoes, yet the small mosquitoes did more damage. More men perished from the bite of the mosquitoes than from danger in the mountains.

That was the point Jesus was making when He talked about being faithful or uncommitted.

He wanted His people to know they should strive for faithfulness in their day-to-day activities. In so doing they would be training their minds, their bodies, and their souls to be obedient to Him and their Holy Spirit-given faith. The individual who lives his life by being faithful in all these little things will find himself prepared for the great unknown challenges and catastrophes which may come.

On the other hand, if God's people look for an easy way out -- if they're trying to find shortcuts, if they work at avoiding commitment -- they will not only minimize their witness, they will also weaken their faith and find themselves unprepared to carry the crosses of life. Indeed, they might lack the courage to make any kind of commitment to the Christ.

St. Paul said it this way: "Do you not know that in a race all the runners run, but only one receives the prize? So run that you may obtain it. Every athlete exercises self-control in all things. They do it to receive a perishable wreath, but we an imperishable. So I do not run aimlessly; I do not box as one beating the air. But I discipline my body and keep it under control, lest after preaching to others I myself should be disqualified" (1 Corinthians 9:24-27).
Pastor Anthony

For what we proclaim is not ourselves, but Jesus Christ as Lord, with ourselves as your servants for Jesus' sake. For God, who said, "Let light shine out of darkness," has shone in our hearts to give the light of the knowledge of the glory of God in the face of Jesus Christ. 2 Corinthians 4:5-6

"Dr. Livingstone, I presume?"

In 1871 Henry Stanley, employed by the New York Herald, went to Tanzania in Africa to find the medical-missionary David Livingstone. After trudging through hundreds of miles of jungle, the two finally met and Stanley is supposed to have begun the conversation with the words quoted above.

The line is what people remember about the event. Sadly, that line is just about all they remember about the meeting. You should know there is a "rest of the story."

To that end let me share that Stanley didn't just find Livingstone and then return to civilization. No, not at all. Stanley spent several months with the missionary. He used a reporter's eye to observe the man and his work. During that time Livingstone never spoke to Stanley about matters spiritual. He just kept up with his selfless ministration to the African people.

Stanley was surprised, shocked and astounded by this well-bred Englishman, who showed such love and compassion to the natives. He admitted his inability to understand why Livingstone was spending himself in untiring service for those whom he had no reason to love ... no reason to love other than Jesus.

Commenting in his journal, Stanley said, "When I saw that unwearied patience, that unflagging zeal, and those enlightened sons of Africa, I became a Christian at his side, though he never spoke to me one word."

Now a lot of people reading that story would come to a wrong conclusion. They would think ah, ha! It's not necessary for us to talk about Jesus. All we have to do is lead a good life, and the Holy Spirit will take care of the rest.

Now I would never limit the Holy Spirit and what He can do. On the other hand, look closely at what Stanley wrote. He said, "He never spoke to me one word."

Livingstone may not have preached to Stanley, but he most certainly did some preaching. He did a lot of preaching. He preached through his work, and he preached through his words. Indeed, Dr. Livingstone told everyone he met about the love of God, which is theirs through the sacrifice made by Christ Jesus.

Now I doubt if most of us are going to become medical-missionaries to Africa. Even so, it would be great if people -- having watched our actions and listened to our words -- would paraphrase Henry Stanley and say, "Followers of Jesus, I presume?" It may not happen, but we still ought to live as if it should.
Pastor Anthony

But Martha was distracted with much serving. And she went up to Him and said, "Lord, do You not care that my sister has left me to serve alone? Tell her then to help me." But the Lord answered her, "Martha, Martha, you are anxious and troubled about many things, but one thing is necessary. Mary has chosen the good portion, which will not be taken away from her." Luke 10:40-42

You will note that Jesus didn't say Mary has chosen "one of many things, which are necessary," nor did He say she had chosen "one of a few things, which are necessary."
He didn't say that because there is only one thing, which is necessary.

Does that sound kind of narrow-minded?

I hope not, but if that's what you think, here is a story which supposedly comes from the sinking of the Titanic. The ship had hit the iceberg, and people had been instructed to go to their lifeboats. One of the wealthier passengers was just about to board when she stopped and asked for permission to return to her stateroom to pick up her valuables.

She was told the lifeboat would launch in 15 minutes.

With that countdown in her mind the woman raced across the slanted deck, ran through the gambling room, arrived at her stateroom, and reached for the one thing needful. No, she didn't try to collect her jewelry and gems, although they were incredibly, certainly, valuable. Forgetting the jewelry, she reached to the shelf above her bed and grabbed three small oranges. Less than a half hour before, those oranges were almost valueless, but now they were the one thing needful.

Looking at the possibility of spending some time on a lifeboat, the woman's priorities had changed.

I think the same thing might be said for anyone who takes a serious look at hell. The prospects of spending an eternity in such a place ought to reorder everyone's priorities. The appeal and allure of earthly wealth, fame, power, possessions and applause quickly fade, as they are pushed aside by what once might have seemed inconsequential.

So, what is the one thing which is needful?

God Himself answers that question. In John 3 it says: "For God so loved the world, that He gave His only Son, that whoever believes in Him should not perish but have eternal life. For God did not send His Son into the world to condemn the world, but in order that the world might be saved through Him" (John 3:16-17).

Did you get it? The ONE thing which is needful is having faith in Jesus as your Savior. Enjoy the salvation won for you by Jesus and come and thank Him this weekend!
Pastor Anthony

Trust in the Lord with all your heart, and do not lean on your own understanding. In all your ways acknowledge Him, and He will make straight your paths. Proverbs 3:5-6

The questions of life.

This mid-week message begins with a true-false test. Don't worry; your scores won't be shared. Here goes.

#1 - True or False: The original color of Coca-Cola ... was green.

#2 - True or False: The state with the highest percentage of people who walk to work is Alaska.

#3 - True or False: The first novel written on a typewriter was Tom Sawyer.

#4 - True or False: Only two people signed the Declaration of Independence on July Fourth.

We're half way there.

#5 - True or False: Hershey's Kisses are called that because the machine that makes them looks like it's kissing the conveyor belt.

#6 - True or False: Half of all Americans live within 50 miles of their birthplace.

How are you doing? Only four more to go.

#7 - There are more collect calls made on Father's Day than any other day of the year.

#8 - True or False: Honey is the only food which doesn't spoil.

#9 - Taken as a group, men can read smaller print than women; as a group, women hear better than men.

#10 - The term "the whole nine yards" comes from World War II fighter pilots whose ammo belts were 27 feet long. If they fired all their bullets at a target, the target got the whole nine yards.

So, you've finished the test. Do you want to score yourself? Look to the end of the devotion, after the graphic.

The questions of life ... you already know those questions are not the important questions of life. There are two really important questions. The first is whom do you believe? And the second is whom will you trust? I've watched enough of those court shows on TV to know I'm a pretty bad judge of who can be believed and trusted.

I make my judgments based on things like I don't like the way she smiles or he's got two earrings in each ear. I think he's lying. Then, having made my non-scientific decision, I turn the channel.

Whom do you trust? Whom will you believe?

Thankfully, there is one area -- the area of our salvation -- where Christians don't have to debate or have any doubts. God's holy and inspired Word tells us that Jesus Christ is the Savior of the world. He is not a Savior; He is not one of many Saviors. He is the only Savior this sinful world has ever seen ... the only Savior this world will ever need.

That is the confidence and hope given to all who believe His suffering, His blood-bought salvation is enough to cover sin and conquer death. And no matter what else an individual might believe, no matter what else a person might think is reliable, this Scriptural truth can be trusted beyond any shadow of a doubt.

As Luther would say, "This is most certainly true."

Pastor Anthony

Judas, who would betray Him, answered, "Is it I, Rabbi?" He said to him, "You have said so." Matthew 26:25

At Harvard University there was a very learned professor of zoology by the name of Agassiz.

He was so wise that one year his students went to special pains to try and put one over on their prof. Oh so carefully they took parts from a number of different bugs and with great skill attached those parts together to make a strange creation they were sure would baffle their teacher.

On the chosen day they brought the bug to him and asked him to identify it. Professor Agassiz inspected the specimen with great care. The longer the time passed, the more certain the students grew that they had managed to trick the school's resident genius.

Finally, Professor Agassiz straightened up and said, "Gentlemen, I have managed to identify your bug."

Scarcely able to control their amusement, the pranksters asked its name.

Agassiz replied, "It is a humbug."

The last supper Jesus shared with His disciples should have been a time to give last-minute advice and to reminisce about the "good old days." For Jesus part of the meal's harmony was marred by the hidden, upcoming betrayal of Judas.

When Jesus tried to call the traitor back from his soon-to-be-committed crime, Judas decided to try a bluff by echoing the question of the other disciples. "Is it I?" It was a mistake. As God's Son, Jesus knew everything about that plot. Like Professor Agassiz in our story, Jesus knew a humbug when He saw one.

Jesus isn't playing games, and He identified the traitor who promptly fled the fellowship.

It's sad so many people follow in Judas' footsteps.

They live their lives acting as if God does not know what is happening and what they're doing. They believe if they can fool their friends, they can also fool the Lord. All of us should know that none of our secrets can be hidden from God. Just as Jesus knew the sin of His disciple, He knows ours.

In short, like Judas, we are all pretenders and traitors, filled with cloaked transgressions. By the power of the Holy Spirit we can turn from sin. But there is a difference - GOOD NEWS. Because of Jesus, the Lamb of God, our sins -- no matter how hidden -- are forgiven, and we remain loved.
Pastor Anthony

So when the woman saw the tree was good for food, and that it was a delight to the eyes, and that the tree was to be desired to make one wise, she took of its fruit and ate, and she also gave some to her husband who was with her, and he ate. Genesis 3:6

Most of you have heard the rhyme ...

For want of a nail the shoe was lost.
For want of a shoe the horse was lost.
For want of a horse the rider was lost.
For want of a rider the message was lost.
For want of a message the battle was lost.
For want of a battle the kingdom was lost.
And all for the want of a horseshoe nail.

It all goes to show that small events can have great consequences.

That is certainly the case for the 17th- century ship, Buen Jesus y Nuestra Senor del Rosario. In 1622, the ship, filled with treasure from the New World, was part of a fleet that was supposed to bring its collected riches to Spain.

Tragically, the ship was caught in a hurricane, and along with other vessels, was lost in about 1,300 feet of water near the Florida Keys. Because the ship foundered, its money was lost and never reached the Bank of Madrid. Without an infusion of cash the Bank of Madrid collapsed. Because of collapsed banks 300 percent inflation continued on in that country, and the Spanish monarchs were not able to pay off their wartime debts. Because Spain couldn't pay off its debts it lost -- and never recovered -- its designation as a world-class power.

Little things can have big consequences. Adam and Eve, I'm sure, would agree.

When they gazed at that pleasant-looking, little, fruit hanging on the forbidden tree, when they took a nibble from its flesh, they never could have imagined the negative consequences that would result from their actions.

Little things can have big consequences. Perhaps you, like me, would also agree. Most of us have committed small sins, that is, sins which seemed insignificant and inconsequential. Only in retrospect did we see their terrible results.

Little things can have big consequences. The Lord would agree with that. Jesus of Nazareth was only one Man. Still, as the Son of God, the life He lived for us, the suffering and death He endured for us, the third-day resurrection He won for us have changed everything.

Because of the sacrifice Jesus made, no longer do believers find themselves condemned by their sin; no longer is hell their final ending; no longer are they separated from their Creator. Because of Jesus we are saved.

And that, my friends, is hardly a little thing. On the contrary, it is everything.Why not bring someone to this Good Friday service and then Easter to share this good news!
Pastor Anthony

(Jesus said) ... "The Son of Man must suffer many things, and be rejected of the elders and chief priests and scribes, and be slain, and be raised the third day." Luke 9:22b

The subject for the following devotion was suggested to me by Rose Seifert, administrative assistant to The Lutheran Hour Speaker.

The story is easily told: this last St. Patrick's Day a man walked into a Boston Starbucks. Three times he shouted, "I'm rich. I'm rich. I'm rich."

Then the man threw about 100 one-dollar bills into the air.

The patrons turned and looked at each other, but nobody scrambled for the cash. Finally, and at long last, an employee of the establishment picked up the dollars and sent them to relief efforts.

Since reading that story I wondered what stopped them from reaching for the cash? A fair number of reasons came to mind:

1. They thought they were on some hidden-camera show.

2. They knew the money wasn't theirs, so they weren't going to pick it up.

3. It was a scientific experiment on human nature.

4. They thought it was an early April Fool's Day joke.

5. Why pick it up if you're not going to get to keep it?

This got me to thinking. There were two different groups of people in Starbucks that day. There was one man who believed he was rich, and a number of folks who could have been richer. This is pretty much the way it is in this world. There are those who believe in the Savior who gave His life for them. They're rich. And there are those who just don't see how rich they could be.

Looking at them, I suppose they think they have good reasons for not believing in Jesus. Maybe ...

1. they think that while Jesus is for some folks, He isn't for them;

2. they have already concluded that Jesus and His sacrifice is little more than an ancient joke;

3. they want to take care of themselves and don't need a handout.

No matter how you look at it, these folks are going to be poorer for having rejected Jesus. As for me, I'd like to think I'm like that rich fellow. He is blessed and he knows it. Not only does he know it, he wants to share it.

That's who we Christians are all right -- people whom Jesus has made rich spiritually, people who want to share the riches of the Redeemer with others. Will you spread your spiritual riches to those less fortunate?
Pastor Anthony

Jesus said) "Sanctify them in the truth; Your Word is truth." John 17:17

Say what you mean and mean what you say.

That's pretty good advice, don't you think? If people followed that bit of wisdom, communication among us would dramatically improve. If companies followed that advice it might save them some legal hassles.

Case in point: four New Jersey women have brought a lawsuit against Campbell's Soup Company.

And why would the ladies sue such a prestigious institution? That's easy. The ladies discovered Campbell's low-sodium tomato soup contains just about the same amount of sodium as Campbell's regular tomato soup. That's right, the soups are almost the same, but Campbell's is charging more for the low-sodium variety.

In its defense, Campbell's says, "Our low-sodium tomato soup is low-sodium if you compare it to our other soups. We never intended anybody to limit the comparison to the regular tomato soup."

Sounds like Campbell's is doing a little bit of fast footwork here.

If they want consumers to make a comparison like that, they ought to say so. "Our low-sodium soup really is low-sodium if you compare it to an average of our other products." If Campbell's said that, it would make sense.

In contrast to Campbell's, Christians are blessed to have a Lord who says what He means and means what He says.

At the beginning of Scripture, He said, "Don't eat from the forbidden tree because if you do you're going to die." That's easy to understand. God had said what He meant. Sadly, our first ancestors didn't listen.

To us the Lord says, "We are saved by grace through faith and not by anything we can do. Salvation is a gift." That's easy to understand. God wants the entire world to know and believe that Holy Spirit-given faith in the Savior will forgive, save and guarantee a home in heaven.

God said what He meant and meant what He said. Thank Him that He did. Because God's Word is always true, we who acknowledge Jesus as our Savior know that the cross and the empty tomb have made a difference, all the difference in our salvation.
Pastor Anthony

For this is good and acceptable in the sight of God our Savior; who will have all men to be saved, and to come unto the knowledge of the truth. For there is one God, and one mediator between God and men, the man Christ Jesus; who gave himself as a ransom. ... 1 Timothy 2:3-6a

It has been a number of decades since the man and his wife were found frozen to death in their automobile.

They had been traveling when they were trapped by a blizzard that dumped tons of snow and stranded a multitude of motorists. For long hours the couple had waited for rescue -- rescue which never came. When it appeared hope was gone, the wife had, with near frozen fingers, managed to scribble a note on a piece of paper and stuff it into the glove compartment.

Her message was simple, she wrote, "I don't want to die this way."

That sad note doesn't end the story. Tragically, neither the husband nor wife really had to die, at least not that day. Less than six feet from the couple's snow-covered car was another vehicle, a stranded bus.

Inside that bus the passengers almost had a festive mood. They were comfortable, warm, almost toasty, through that snowy night. When the newspapers got wind of that story, they asked the questions most people were thinking: "Why? Why hadn't the couple seen the bus? Why hadn't they checked to see if they might be welcomed? Why did that couple have to die, while the others lived?"

It occurs to me that scene is being played out in almost every neighborhood in our country. Death is coming and some people, the people who are spiritually alone, the people without a Savior, are afraid of its arrival.

The truth is they don't have to die -- not eternally. Throughout our nation there are churches, churches in the countryside and on the street corners, churches in the city and the suburbs. These churches come in all colors and sizes. And, if Word and Sacrament are properly administered, there is life and hope inside the fellowship of those churches.

Like the newspapers, we Christians ask, "Why? Why don't these people see our churches? Why don't they check to see if they might be welcomed? Why do they insist on dying, when God has sent His Son to do everything necessary, so they can live?"

Oh, there needs to be one more question asked: "Why didn't the people on that bus, that is, in our churches, get out and invite these dying souls in to safety?"

It is such a little thing, such an easy thing for us to do, and the results can be incredibly wonderful and eternal. Why not invite a neighbor, friend, or relative to church with you this week?
Pastor Anthony

(Jesus said) "The thief comes only to steal and kill and destroy. I came that they may have life and have it abundantly." John 10:10

Many of you may not know the name of actor Antonio Banderas.

If you don't, let me tell you just a bit about him. He is a movie actor, an actor best known for being the most recent individual to play the role of Zorro. Younger generations may know him as the voice of Puss in the Shrek and Puss In Boots movies.

In short, Antonio Banderas is a big-name star.

Maybe that's why Banderas wasn't surprised at the reception he received when he landed at Budapest's Franz Liszt International Airport. The media that covered the event says he was rushed by dozens of girls, as he made his way from the terminal to a waiting car.

I imagine that kind of attention must be incredibly flattering.

I'm sure that, in this particular instance, it must have been quite humbling.

That's because after Mr. Banderas got to his car and managed to catch his breath, he found out his wallet had been stolen. That's right. One of those attractive, flattering young ladies had lifted his billfold. They were at the airport not to support the actor but to steal from him.

It occurs to me the devil works in much the same way.

He comes to us; he flatters us; he butters us up; he sweet talks us. He says and does whatever is necessary to make us trust him, accept him and let down our guard.

Then, when we least expect it, when we feel quite comfortable, BAM!, he does something quite unexpected. He robs from us; he betrays us; he undermines us; he ruins us. As Jesus said, "The thief comes only to steal and kill and destroy."

It's a hard lesson and one that was learned by almost every person in the Bible. Indeed, every hero of faith did well as long as he trusted the Lord. It's when he started to believe and trust the devil's lies that he ran into trouble.

That's the story of Adam and Eve, the story of Samson, the story of King Saul and many, many others. It's a story the Bible tells often so that people should learn from the mistakes of others. They ought to learn, but they don't.

In contrast to the thief, we have the Savior, the Good Shepherd. He is the One who gave His life for the sheep. He is the One who sacrificed Himself, so we might have life eternal.

Given an option between the two, it would seem to be a no-brainer as to whom we should follow. Still, as many have found out, the devil's attention can be pretty flattering, but it is also humbling and deadly. So worship the one who gives you life, life eternal, and forgiveness.
Pastor Antony

But God chose what is foolish in the world to shame the wise; God chose what is weak in the world to shame the strong. 1 Corinthians 1:27

Every age has its experts.

* It's been almost 200 years since an American expert declared the building of railroads would necessitate the construction of mental institutions. In his opinion, people would be driven mad with terror at the sight of trains chugging across the land.

* Every age has its experts. In 1881, when the New York YWCA said they would offer typing lessons for women, some experts declared the delicate female constitution would collapse under the pressure.

* Every age has its experts. Sir William Preece was one of Britain's most noted scientists. Having examined the telephone, he commented, "England has plenty of small boys to run messages."

* Every age has its experts. Phil Wrigley, owner of the Chicago Cubs, was an acknowledged expert on baseball. But in 1935, he remarked, "Night baseball is just a fad, a passing fancy."

* Every age has its experts. Thomas Edison was an expert in many areas, but in 1922 he prophesied, "The radio craze will die out in time."

You don't have to be an expert on anything to realize that human predictions, even when made by a recognized "authority," do not always come true.

What a contrast that is to the Word of God.

Using many authors over 1,600 years of history, the Lord gave His people a great many promises, predictions and prophesies. Understand, the Lord didn't always use those whom the world considered to be brilliant. He didn't.

Even so, the promises made by the Lord's spokesmen were reliable and came to pass as He had said they would. If they said the Messiah will be born in Bethlehem, He was. If the promise was Jesus would die on a cross, He did. If they were moved to predict Jesus would rise on the third day, it was a given.

And why is this important?

It is important because the Bible's historical verifiability makes it unique among the religions of the world. It is important because it shows that the Lord's Word can be trusted. It is important because God's experts point unerringly, unquestioningly, to Jesus as being the Savior of the world.

This means the crucified and risen Christ is our Savior.

He has shown kindness by giving you rain from heaven and crops in their seasons; He provides you with plenty of food and fills your hearts with joy. Acts 14:17

Many of us, having received a glimpse of ourselves in the mirror, decide it's time to go on a diet. It's time to start counting calories.

Although it's certainly not scientific, a lady recently told me calories are a good way of measuring how fine a particular food tastes.

* By her calculations, fudge has a great many calories because it tastes so good.

* Brussels sprouts, her least favorite edible, were said to have no calories at all.

* And celery? For her celery wasn't a food. She said celery ought to be considered a member of the plywood family.

Silly? Of course! Even so, this sinful world does seem to be set up that way. Long ago, and beginning with our original ancestors, the devil learned the success of saying, "Go ahead, eat. Tasting this forbidden fruit will be delicious." That technique has been so effective that today many people have concluded sinning is fun and following the Savior is boring.

That's just plain wrong. God is the Giver of every good and perfect gift; He is the One who sent His Son to be sacrificed in our stead. He is the One who wants all people to be saved and to come to the knowledge of the truth.

And what truth should we know? We should most definitely know that while the devil's pleasures are transitory, the gifts of God remain good and His love is everlasting.

And returning to the lady's theory about calories and goodness ... you can be sure the Lord's love is neither fattening nor immoral.

It is -- like the Lord -- just plain good. So indulge yourself. Enjoy the great gifts of God. They won't add an ounce to your frame, but they will make you smile and bring you joy.
Pastor Anthony

(Jesus said) "Then you will know the truth, and the truth will set you free." John 8:32

It has always been a source of amazement to me to hear about the ridiculous things people will believe.

Not so long ago, while I was standing in the checkout line at the grocery store, I noticed people buying tabloids.

Some of the more sensational headlines were these:

· "Dinosaurs Honked Like Buicks"

· "WWII Bomber Found On The Moon"

· "Woman Gives Birth To A Two-Year-Old Baby"

· "Adam & Eve's Bones Found In Asia"

· "Eve Was A Space Alien"

Because these stories were in print, a great many people seemed to think they were true. On the plus side, those stories probably don't do too much damage.

The same cannot be said about the other lies people believe. All too often people put their trust in human wisdom and earthly agencies. All too often these same people find themselves being let down, hurt and without any person or idea worthy of their trust. If you have found it more and more difficult to trust anyone -- to be anchored in any kind of truth -- may I suggest you try trusting the Lord?

For thousands of years, He has made it a point to always tell the truth. He wants people who have been disappointed elsewhere to know they can trust Him who has loved us enough to send His Son to ransom us. Skeptical? If so, let me tell you trusting God is a wonderful way to live a day or spend a life. Trusting God gives a solid and secure sense of security. How could it not do that? After all, you are leaning on Someone who won't let you down.

And believing that is certainly more meaningful than believing that a WWII Bomber was Found On The Moon.
Pastor Anthony
Surely He has borne our griefs and carried our sorrows; yet we esteemed Him stricken, smitten by God, and afflicted. But He was wounded for our transgressions; He was crushed for our iniquities; upon Him was the chastisement that brought us peace, and with His stripes we are healed. Isaiah 53:4-5

The boy had been admitted to a St. Louis hospital with a fever of 103 degrees.

After days of testing he was diagnosed with leukemia. The doctors were honest with him, both in regard to his illness and the results of the chemotherapy. They told him he would be receiving medication for three years. During that time he would go bald, and his body would probably be bloated.

That news is tough for anybody, but it is devastating when you are 15 and what other people think is really important.

Understandably, the boy grew discouraged and depressed. Trying to help, the lad's aunt called a florist, shared his story, and ordered some flowers. When the flowers were delivered, there were two cards that accompanied the order. The young man opened and read his aunt's caring card.

Then he took a look at the second card. It read as follows: "I'm the fellow who took your aunt's order. I had leukemia when I was seven years old. I'm 22 years old now. Good luck! My heart goes out to you. Sincerely." That card made all the difference. The boy knew he wasn't alone. He knew somebody had been there before him. He knew there was hope for the future.

As I write this quick note, I don't know your situation.

Even so, I do know that you have now -- or someday will have -- problems and pains.

When that time comes, I hope you will know you are not alone. Jesus Christ, our Savior and Lord came into this world, became one of us, to offer Himself as the payment, which would rescue us from death and hell.

But He also entered this world to give us the assurance that we are not alone. The Old Testament prophet, Isaiah, had foretold that Jesus would, in saving us, carry our griefs and sorrows, be wounded for our sins, and crushed for our disobedience. The Gospels tell how the Savior faced fears that would send shivers into our soul.

That is why, when He says, "Fear not, I am with you," we can believe Him. Because of what He endured we have healing, hope and confidence.

No matter what tomorrow may bring, no matter how insecure and unsure we may be Jesus has shown us we are not alone.

For the Lord Himself will come down from heaven, with a loud command, with the voice of the archangel and with the trumpet call of God, and the dead in Christ will rise first. 1 Thessalonians 4:16

One day, a group of unbelievers, asked a Christian scientist this question: "As a person rooted in science, how can you believe that God will raise the dead from the dust?"

Working quickly, the scientist mixed a few handfuls of sand with the smallest of iron shavings. Then he challenged the unbelievers, saying, "Before I answer your question, let me ask one of my own: Which of you can take this pile and separate the particles into two groups?"

Taken off guard, the unbelievers didn't really think their answer through.

You know what the Christian scientist did. He took a high-powered magnet and held it over the mixed pile. In a second the filings "jumped" from the desktop onto the magnet.

Turning to the unbelievers he then challenged them with this thought: "If the Creator establishes the laws which give such powers to a magnet, how can you believe He does not have greater powers Himself? I believe if the unseen power of the magnet can pull iron shavings out of the dirt; my God can use His almighty power to call forth bodies which have turned to dust."

That was the end of the discussion.

In a similar way, we try to challenge the thinking of those who are convinced the idea of God is meaningless. We consider it an honor to share how God is the powerful Creator. The Bible says that God formed man from the dust of the ground. He created the body of man as perfect machinery with complete functions to subdue the world God had given.

Sadly, that world was lost with the coming of sin.

But our inability to deal with our lostness doesn't change how much God loves us. That's why Jesus entered this world as a human being. Jesus died to redeem us from the penalty of our sins, and His dead body was buried in the tomb.

Thankfully, after three days, He was raised from the dead. Afterward, He appeared to over 500 people. Because Jesus has risen, the apostle Paul confidently affirmed that on Judgment Day the dead in Jesus Christ will rise and be given eternal life.

Tragically, the Bible also points out the place for those who are not reconciled with God through Christ. They will receive everlasting fire, and nobody wants to live in everlasting fire. Share great salvation valentine message.
Pastor Anthony

Dear friends, let us love one another, for love comes from God. Everyone who loves has been born of God and knows God. 1 John 4:7

February 14 is Valentine's Day.(This is for all the guys like me that might forgret.... the ramifications will be....)

Our thoughts turn to love and, for many people, marriage.  I've been told there is in Africa a tribe of people whose marriages depend completely upon clothing. On her wedding day, the bride receives a single gift: a wrap that serves as her wedding gown. The marriage lasts exactly as long as that wedding dress. As soon as the gown is threadbare, the marriage is over.

This is how it works: if the bride is happy, she never wears her wedding dress and it lasts for a very, very long time. If, on the other hand, the bride is disappointed with her new groom, she wears her wedding dress all the time.  The end result is that the dress, along with the marriage, quickly becomes threadbare.

Over the years I've known more than one couple who could have used such a visible sign to signal their relationship was in trouble. That's because, all too often love deteriorates for one partner, while the other thinks everything is just fine.

That's really tragic.  This is why it is right for us to regularly take stock of how we are treating those whom we meet. In such an action, our beloved Savior sets the standard.

Read through the Gospels and you will see there was never a time when He forgot to love those whom society considered to be unlovable. Lepers were greeted, touched, and healed. Demoniacs were embraced and cured. Sinners were forgiven.

Now, even though the Savior is not with us visibly, He still shows His care for us ... and in Scripture we hear His words of love spoken to us ...

... and not just on Valentine's Day. Jesus shows how much He loves us every day, which means when we emulate His example in our lives, our actions -- not our heart-shaped cards -- will let those around us know they are always and forever special.

Now does that mean we shouldn't do something special for Valentine's Day? Not at all. It's probably as good a day as any to let those whom you love know that your feelings haven't worn out. May I offer a sugestion...... don't forget your brothers and sisters in Christ.
Pastor Anthony

Give thanks to the God of gods. His love endures forever. Psalm 136:2

People like to save.

Some of us like to save money, because it makes us feel secure. Others like to save food by canning or freezing because it makes them feel prepared for the unknown tomorrow. There are even a few people who like to save everything.

But there are some things you can't save. What kind of things? Well, things like air. You can't save air. You can't save enough air in your lungs to last you for a week or two.

If you doubt me, try it. Take a deep breath and hold it for as long as you can. You might last a minute. Some folks can go as long as two. Not many of us can manage three minutes. Somewhere before the five minute mark, all of us would be panting for breath. And air isn't the only thing we can't save. Food fits into that category. You can't eat enough food today to hold you for the next six months.

You can't save everything. Some things need to be supplied regularly or you die. This may be the Lord's way of reminding us how we need Him.
If we could eat enough food and breathe enough air and save enough money to hold ourselves for six months, we just might decide we were totally independent of God. But we can't do those things.

The fact of the matter is that just as a healthy person needs a continuous supply of air and a regular supply of food, so does a healthy soul needs continuing fellowship with God.

Thankfully, although good air is increasingly rare, there is an abundant supply of the Lord's love to go around. Today, I encourage you to breathe deeply of God's love. Bask in His grace and relish His forgiveness. You can't exhaust the supply. There is always more for you.
Pastor Anthony

For wickedness burns like a fire ... Isaiah 9:18a

A fire has been burning underneath Centralia, Pennsylvania for over half a century. Touch the earth and you can feel the heat. Deep holes and crevices vent hot, smoky air. One resident reports this: "Standing by a hole, you can hear the fires roaring. It's an eerie sound, like the beating of a thousand wings."

Many different government agencies spent millions to put out the fire. Some time ago, officials indicated they were no longer willing to attempt to put out the blaze. They believe it is a futile task. As flames continue to burn without restraint, townspeople have moved on.

Truly, every community has its problems. Some are far worse than others.

While your neighborhood may not have an unchecked underground fire, you probably have some kind of fire.

There are drugs, juvenile delinquency and the breakdown of the home. There is unemployment, fear of the future and a host of other "fires."

Indeed, it often seems these fires of ours are just as unquenchable as those of Centralia.

If that is the situation where you live, you need to remember that while earthly agencies may be helpless in putting them out, God is not.

He has promised to stand by the side of His people and offers them assistance. Either He will help us survive the fire or He will put it out.

This is why, even though I may not know the particular fires which are blazing in your neighborhood, I still encourage you to talk to the Lord. Come to Him with your concerns. He who sent His Son to save you will be there to provide the right assistance, in the right proportion, at the right time. Stop by His house this Sunday and get a check up and spiritual pick up.
Pastor Anthony

And my God will meet all your needs according to His glorious riches in Christ Jesus. Philippians 4:19

Have you ever wondered where some of the common inventions of our life have come from?

· Leo Gerstenzang thought of Q-Tips when he saw his wife trying to clean their baby's ears with toothpicks and cotton.
· King C. Gillette looked for a throwaway product after he had a conversation with the inventor of pop bottle caps. When he found his razor dull, he thought of the safety razor with disposable blades.
· Ole Evinrude invented the outboard motor after he got angry when the ice cream in his rowboat melted before he got to his island picnic spot.
· Charles Strite was fuming at the burnt toast in the factory lunchroom where he worked and thought up the automatic toaster.

There is one common factor in all of these inventions: a person saw a need and answered that need.

This is exactly what God did when He set into motion His plan to save us. It was a major investment on His part, an investment that cost the life of His only Son. It was His divine way of meeting our needs.

Now while we most certainly should be thankful we have a God who meets our needs, we should also be willing to help meet the needs of others.

Truly, there are a great many needs we see each day.

Some of them are big. Others are very small. But oftentimes we can make a difference in taking care of those needs. By the Holy Spirit's power we can, with our words and our actions, help change some of those things.

True, we may not make a fortune like some of the inventors I mentioned earlier. No, we may not make a fortune, but we can try to make the lives of those we meet more peaceful and content. That's why God has called you to be His child and spread His love.  Our actions bring people to ask why... We cqan then tell them about what Jesus did for us and them.
Pastor Anthony

For this is the reason the Gospel was preached ... so that they might be judged according to men in regard to the body, but live according to God in regard to the spirit. 1 Peter 4:6

Years ago, a missionary in India was teaching the Bible to a group of Hindu ladies who seemed to be interested.

Halfway through the lesson, one of the women got up and walked out.

It wasn't long before she returned and listened to the lecture even more carefully than she had before. At the close of the meeting the missionary asked, "Why did you leave the meeting? Had I offended or bored you?"

"No, not at all," the lady replied. "Indeed, I was so impressed with what you had to say about the Savior Jesus that I went out to ask your driver whether you really lived the way you talked."

"When he said you did, I hurried back so I wouldn't miss out on anything."

A life that matches the words: that is what we look for in people, isn't it? We want folks to practice what they preach. Indeed, we get pretty discouraged when we find someone whom we trusted talking one way and living another.

One of the great things about God is that He always keeps His Word. How many people do you know that you can say that about -- all the time?

Well, you can say it about God. God keeps His Word -- every time -- all the time.

He says He loves you and He means it. Even more, in the Person of His Son, He has shown just how much He cares. That is why, this day and every day, no matter what else is going on in your life, you can be sure the Lord will keep His promises.

And, by God's grace, may we keep our promises of faithfulness to Him.


That's simple, because people are watching us to see if we practice what we preach. They may not be able to ask our "driver" about us, but they are still watching.  may 2014 fin us faithful.
Pastor Anthony

But thanks be to God, who gives us the victory through our Lord Jesus Christ. 1 Corinthians 15:57

   In the 1890s, the family of a boy moved into a New York tenement. In the normal scheme of things, such a move would mean the lad would spend a great deal of time making friends and trying to fit in.

   But this boy was hardly like the rest. He was big; he was strong, and he was a bully. Even worse, he hardly cared for making, having or holding friends. Instead, he preferred that those around would fear him rather than befriend him.

   After he had managed to give a thorough thrashing to one of the neighborhood kids and a black eye to another, the rest of the youngsters on the block thought it wisest to give the bully a wide berth. All except one ... a very young, very little boy.

   Seeing this lack of fear, the bully sought out the younger fellow and snarled the question: "What's da matter wit you? Why ain't you afraid of me?" It didn't take but a second for the younger lad to reply: "Course I ain't afraid of you. My big brudder's the boxin' champeen. If you touch me, he'll knock your block off."

   I like that story. I like it because it's our story. Sin, Satan and death have been bullying the world since humankind first fell into sin. Gladly, eagerly they have patrolled this neighborhood we call "earth," and sooner or later they give everybody a trouncing. Quite understandably, everyone is frightened of what they can do.

   No, I need to say that differently. Almost everybody is frightened of what they can do. Those kids who come from the Christian family are quite bold when these bullies approach them. And when sin, Satan and death challenge, "Ain't you afraid of me?" those Christians reply, "Jesus is my Brudder, and He's shown Himself the Champeen. You can't touch me because He has promised to protect me from the likes of you."

   And so He has. So that we might be forgiven and adopted into the family of faith, Jesus entered this world. By His perfect life He vanquished sin; by His refusal of Satan's temptations, the evil one was put in his place, and Jesus' resurrection showed that death was no longer the big bully who needed to be feared.

   Jesus is the Champeen!  It's something to remember next time the bullies of Sin, Satan and death tries to intimidate you. When they try to push you around, you let them know -- in no uncertain terms -- Jesus is your Brudder, and He's shown He has the ability to knock their blocks off. He was born as your big Brudder, so this Chrstmas stop by His house and thank Him!

... The blood of Jesus His Son cleanses us from all sin. If we say we have no sin, we deceive ourselves, and the truth is not in us. If we confess our sins, He is faithful and just to forgive us our sins and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness. 1 John 1:7b-9

A good conscience, a healthy conscience is a wonderful thing.

The truth of that sentence was recently shown when an elderly man stopped by a Sears store in downtown Seattle. Asking to see the manager, the older gent presented the shopkeeper with an envelope. Inside was a note and a $100 bill.

The note explained that the man had stolen $20 to $30 from a cash register a number of decades ago. According to the manager, Gary Lorentson, the man's conscience has been bothering him for the last 60 years.

Yes, a healthy conscience is a good thing.

And, in case you're wondering, my experience has taught me there are two kinds of unhealthy consciences.

The first sick conscience is one that fails to accuse an individual of guilt. That kind of malady is most often found in unbelievers and occurs when an individual has ignored that internal voice so long and so often it can no longer can be heard.

But there is another malady of the conscience that is confined to Christians. This kind of illness continues to accuse and nag even though a particular sin has been recognized, confessed and absolved. This hyperactive conscience is being used to convince a person he is guilty, even when the blood of Jesus Christ has washed him and made him clean.

Not surprisingly the same cure -- the cross of Christ -- is effective for both maladies.

Standing before the cross, the silent conscience must once again be awakened to proclaim that God's Son is suffering and dying for the sin of humankind, of which his owner is a part. Standing before the cross, the overactive conscience must acknowledge Jesus has done all that is necessary for every sin, that is every sin to be washed away.

To save us from our sin: that is why Jesus was born, and it is why this month we celebrate the great, saving grace of God. May we freely acknowledge our sins and ask for forgiveness.
Don't worry Jesus will forgive them all.

(Jesus said) "... there will be more joy in heaven over one sinner who repents than over ninety-nine righteous persons who need no repentance." Luke 15:7b

A number of years ago Hurricane Katrina pretty well messed up a lot of lives down in the Gulf of Mexico.

One of those lives that was tossed upside down was Scrub's.

During that mighty blow, Scrub was separated from his family. Yes, searches were made, but the truth is Scrub had disappeared.

Now, flash forward five-plus years. A Gulfport, Mississippi, woman was concerned. For months she had been feeding a gray-and-white cat. Now, with a cold snap coming on, she was downright worried. It was that worry which had her pack up the cat and take it to a local animal shelter.

The shelter scanned the cat and found he was carrying an implanted microchip. The microchip enabled them to call the cat's original owner, Jennifer Noble. With some enthusiasm they told her that her lost cat Scrub had been found.

I don't have to tell you there was great rejoicing in the Noble house as Scrub settled in, even sleeping the first night with one of Noble's boys.

This isn't so very much unlike the Scripture that says there is joy in heaven over a sinner who repents. There is joy because when a sinner is brought to repentance by the Holy Spirit and when he is given faith, he is brought home to a grateful family.

When a sinner is touched by the Savior's sacrifice, everything changes for that individual. They are no longer on their own. They have a Brother, a Father, a family of faith.

When a sinner is led to place his faith in Jesus, that individual receives the blessings that Jesus' life, death and resurrection bestow upon all who believe.

When a sinner acknowledges Jesus as Savior, he is brought to a home that has been waiting for him for a very long time.  It's simple turn to Jesus and ask for forgiveness, then change the way you think and act (repentance). Remember Jesus loves you!
Pastor Anthony

(Jesus said) "Then if anyone says to you, 'Look, here is the Christ!' or 'There he is!' do not believe it. For false christs and false prophets will arise and perform great signs and wonders, so as to lead astray, if possible, even the elect." Matthew 24:23-24

We've all heard the expression, "Imitation is the sincerest form of flattery."

Not so many of us have heard the truism, "A cheap imitation is the surest way to make a quick dollar." You probably haven't heard it, because I just made it up. At any rate, I think it is still true. And because it is true the market is flooded with copies of designer handbags, Apple computers, wedding gowns, and pirated music.

According to ABC News, another product has made its way into the ranks of being illegally copied. The product: ketchup. That's right, a warehouse was discovered in New Jersey where the employees were filling bottles with a tomato product and labeling those bottles, "Simply Heinz."

They were also selling the product as Heinz ketchup. The ketchup knock-off was discovered when some of the fake ketchup bottles exploded -- something real Heinz ketchup doesn't do.

An exploding bottle of ketchup would make quite a mess and a person could get cut cleaning up the glass, but that's just about the worst damage an exploding bottle of ketchup can do. The damage is far, far worse, if you happen to have a fake Redeemer in your heart.

Before the Savior left us He warned a time would come when there would be Jesus duplicates, copycats and imitations. These individuals would claim to be Jesus, and they would do miraculous things, which would seem pretty convincing. Indeed, Jesus says they would be so good, even folks whose names are written in God's Book of Life might think of wandering.

Now the only reason I bring this up is because I'm hearing a lot of preachers who are taking the Jesus of Holy Scripture and redefining, reconditioning and reinventing Him. In Jesus' Name they are making promises about wealth, which Jesus never made; they are offering guarantees of healing, which Jesus never said. In short, they have come up with a new christ.

Folks, don't you follow that Jesus. As they used to say on the TV commercials, "Accept no substitutes." Jesus' life, suffering, death and resurrection are unique in the annals of human history. There has never been anyone like Him; there will never be another to take His place. He is the Way, the Truth, the Life and Light. Let's examine His word together and examine the real thing.
Pastor Anthony

Keep your life free from love of money, and be content with what you have, for He has said, "I will never leave you nor forsake you." Hebrews 13:5

Allen and Violet Large have been called the nicest Canadian couple in the world.

Now that's saying something, isn't it?

So are you curious about what makes them so nice? Some would say that Allen and Violet take the trophy because they are giving away their lottery winnings. That's right. The couple found out they hit the jackpot and were the proud caretakers of $11.3 million.

Now, they've managed to give most of their money away.  They've helped the local fire department, some churches, cemeteries, the Red Cross, the Salvation Army, and the hospitals where Violet underwent cancer treatment.

Their list of groups to whom Allen and Violet have given their fortune is two pages long.

That's pretty impressive, but I don't think that puts them at the top of the nice list. What really gives them a boost in the ratings is their priorities and the way they talk about life.

Violet says, "What you've never had, you never miss." Allen says, "That money that we won was nothing; we have each other."

The stories I've read don't tell if Violet and Allen are acquainted with the book of Hebrews. They ought to be; they seem to have adopted verse 13:5 as their motto for living.

They seem to understand what the Lord was trying to tell all of His people in this passage. They understand that God was saying if you keep your priorities in line, and are confident that He's there, watching out for you, you don't have to worry so much.

Indeed, you can even be content with your life.  This really leads to the next question: "Does God care about me?"  The answer is simple: He does. Look at the Bethlehem manger; stand at the Jerusalem cross; run to the Resurrection Sunday's empty tomb and you will see just how much God cares. He cares enough to sacrifice His Son so you -- and all who believe -- might have peace in this life and heaven in the next.  And a person can't care any more than that.

Only God who loves you so much would offer His Son for you and I. Don't foget to say thanks!
Pastor Anthony

... sin came into the world through one man, and death through sin, and so death spread to all men because all sinned. Romans 5:12b

Watch out for that first step. It can be a killer.

That could have been the advice given to United States Air Force Colonel Joe Kittinger on August 16, 1960.

On that day Kittinger stepped out of his capsule at an altitude of 102,800 feet. He fell for four-and-a-half minutes. It was a free-fall record that has remained intact for more than 50 years.

A few months ago the news was filled with the story of how an Australian, Felix Baumgartner, had broken some of Kittinger's records and, at the same time, set a new record for speed. Indeed, Baumgartner was the first skydiver to go faster than the speed of sound. And Joe Kittinger? He was the man who had encouraged Baumgartner during five years of planning; his was the voice who spoke to the Australian during his record-breaking free fall.

So there you have it: humankind has a new record for a free fall.

Of course, if you want to see the real record for a fall you won't find it following these fellows.

To find that record, you have to go back to humankind's days in the Garden of Eden. There, in an act of disobedience, we decided to take control of our fate and reject our Creator and the perfection into which He had placed us.

When our original ancestors ate from the forbidden fruit, they took a step which put themselves and all who would come after them into a fall.

But that fall wasn't a free fall.

True, because of our disobedience we were lost and doomed. We had stepped away from heaven and were destined to fall right into the fires of hell. There was nothing we could do to change things, nothing which might make a difference.

And that is where God intervened.

In the Person of His Son, our Savior, Jesus Christ, a plan was initiated to save us. That plan called for God's Son to become one of us and, through His life, death and resurrection offer Himself as the price that would pull us out of that free fall.

Now with faith in Jesus all who believe are rescued, and their landing is guaranteed to be a safe and eternal one in heaven.

So, while we're talking about records, it's right we remember one that was set by Jesus: the most number of souls saved from a free fall. It's a record that will never be broken. Heaven will be filled with all those saints.
Pastor Anthony

After this many of His disciples turned back and no longer walked with him. So Jesus said to the twelve, "Do you want to go away as well?" Simon Peter answered Him, "Lord, to whom shall we go? You have the words of eternal life, and we have believed, and have come to know, that You are the Holy One of God." John 6:66-69

Here's a question: what is the second largest religious group in the USA?

I'll give you a hint: Catholics are first with 22 percent of the population. But what group is second? Are you thinking Baptists, Methodists, Mormons? Nope, those are wrong.

The second largest religious group in the USA are the "Nones." That's right. According to a new report released by the Pew Forum on Religion and Public Life, it is the Nones. The Nones are the folks who when asked what religion do they believe in or affiliated with end up replying, "I'm an atheist" or "an agnostic" or "nothing in particular."

These Nones count for almost 20 percent of our population. Perhaps, not surprisingly, the largest segment of the Nones is the young adults, those who are aged 18 to 22. More than one third of them say they have no connection to any kind of religion.

And just in case you are wondering where are these Nones coming from, the answer is simple; they are our children and grandchildren. They are the folks who have looked at church and found it wanting. Sadly, they ended up throwing the baby out with the bathwater. When they walked away from the church, they also ended up walking away from their Savior.

Now a number of reasons have been suggested to explain this drift away from religion:

* Some say it is because people are no longer as likely to join an organization.

* Others say it is because America is becoming more secularized.

* Still others say it is because the younger folks like to do things to show their faith and not just sit and listen.

There is probably some truth in all these explanations. Me, I'm not so much interested in the why as much as I am the what can I do to help turn things around? How do we get through to them the message Peter expressed so beautifully? How do we let them know that Jesus alone has the words of eternal life?

Once again there are a number of answers. Certainly, we can pray for these folks. We can let them know that "gentle Jesus, meek and mild" also was and remains a Savior of great strength and power. We need to let them know it was not the Roman nails, but Jesus' dedication to saving our souls that kept Him on the cross.

How to reach them? How about we invite these Nones to join us in church activities, which are worthwhile, fulfilling, and glorify the Savior, even as they benefit our neighbor.

Pastor Anthony

Grace to you and peace from God our Father and the Lord Jesus Christ, who gave Himself for our sins to deliver us from this present evil age, according to the will of our God and Father, to whom be the glory forever and ever. Amen. Galatians 1:3-5

Some time ago, the U.S. federal government calculated that if you hired people to duplicate the work done by a stay-at-home wife and mother, it would cost $125,900 a year. As I say, that figure is an old one. If we were to compute the replacement cost for a "homemaker" today, the figure would need to be adjusted upward to account for both inflation and cost of living.

Armed with the figure mentioned above, I spent some time this week asking wives if their husbands were paying them the full amount or were trying to negotiate a lower figure. I asked, but I didn't get many answers. The ladies couldn't stop laughing long enough to give me a reply.

That's the way it is in America and Canada, but I think the results would be different if I were asking the same question in India.

Things would be different because the federal government of that country is considering a proposal that would demand every husband pay his wife a monthly salary for housekeeping.

Krishna Tirath, spokesman for the ministry which is behind the idea, says Indian women need to be compensated because they -- without modern appliances -- are putting in more hours than their counterparts in Western countries.

Personally, I think the idea is a great, albeit doomed one. The truth is most of us men don't make enough to pay our partners what they're worth.

Having read articles about the worth of a housewife, I began to ask what is the value of a Savior?

Think about it for a moment or two. Jesus spent 33 years, His entire life, in service for you. What is that worth? During that time He did things which you couldn't or wouldn't. How much is it worth to have someone resist every temptation, decline every invitation to sin?

Yes, Jesus lived for us, but He also suffered and died for us. He didn't defend Himself against those who lied about Him; He didn't destroy those who called for His death. No, without protest, He allowed Himself to be beaten, whipped, spit upon, and nailed to a cross. This He did for us, even as He was carrying our sin. How much should He be paid for His work of redemption?

Midas and Bill Gates don't have enough cash to make a dent in the debt we owe our Savior.

So, how should He be paid? Luther answered it rightly: "For all of which it is our duty to thank and praise, serve and obey Him." This is most certainly true. Don't forget to show your thanks!
Pastor Anthony


(Jesus said) "Let your light shine before others, so that they may see your good works and give glory to your Father who is in heaven." Matthew 5:16

I was in my early teens when the Minneapolis-based company, Burma-Shave went out of business.

If you're my age or older, you remember the company. Most likely you remember their roadside ads. For the young who are reading this devo, let me explain. Back in the olden days, before Interstates made traveling a blur, the Burma-Shave company would put up, about 100 feet apart, little red signs. There were, almost always, five of those signs. The first four carried a poem; the last had the name of the company. As you drove along, you couldn't resist reading.

* Within this vale / Of toil and sin / Your head grows bald / But not your chin. Burma-Shave.

Some had practical advice:

* Don't lose your head / To gain a minute / You need your head / Your brains are in it. Burma-Shave.

Sometimes they had a warning, like

* Brother speeders / Let's rehearse / All together / Good morning nurse. Burma-Shave.

Sometimes the ads were almost theological:

* Passing cars / When you can't see / May get you a glimpse / Of eternity. Burma-Shave.

Here's another:

* Around the corner / They went whizzin' / The fault was hers / The funeral his'n. Burma-Shave.

Now I share this because those ads from decades ago, put out by an extinct company, are still with me. Good advertisements do that. They stay with you.

This takes me to the point of the devotion.

Every Christian is a walking, talking, breathing witness to the Savior. Some of us are good and powerful ads who make people want to know more about the crucified and ever-living Savior.

But there are others among us whose lives do exactly the opposite. When non-Christians see the way these Christians talk, the way they live, they quickly conclude that Jesus is a sham, and they want nothing to do with the Christ, Christianity, or anything close to our faith.

That's sad. It's sad because Jesus said we were to let our lights shine, so folks may see our motivation and our actions and give glory to the Lord.

This they will do only when we are good, memorable advertisements for the Savior. This they will do if the impression we give begins, continues and finishes under the Holy Spirit's direction.
Pastor Anthony

And when Jesus heard it, He said to them, "Those who are well have no need of a physician, but those who are sick. I came not to call the righteous, but sinners." Mark 2:17

The doctors in Kenya's public hospitals are on strike.

Unlike many other work stoppages, this has nothing to do with wages or long hours or fringe benefits. This strike centers around the physicians not being able to perform the duties for which they have spent years in training. As of this writing, the government has fired 1,000 of the 2,000 doctors who refuse to work because the government has failed to make good on promised reforms.

So, how bad are conditions? Here are a few examples:

1. Emergency rooms often don't have gloves or medicine. Power outages have forced some doctors to use the light from their cell phones to finish an operation.

2. Tuberculosis patients who ought to be isolated have been placed in hallways, which have been converted into wards for the sick.

3. People have survived accidents but have later died because there was no blood for transfusions, no splints, and no intensive care group to deal with emergencies.

4. Kenya has one physician for every 6,250 people. The World Health Organization recommends there be one doctor per 100 citizens.

It is a sad situation, and I can understand the frustration of the physicians who are involved. They dedicated their lives to healing, and they are unable to accomplish that task.

There are times when I think Jesus must also be frustrated, albeit for a different reason. Unlike the Kenya doctors who can't do the jobs for which they have been trained, Jesus has finished His work of redeeming the world. Having led a perfect life, having resisted all temptations, having carried our sins to the cross, He was able to announce, "It is finished." His resurrection from the dead three days later is visible proof He had done all that was asked of Him.

No, Jesus' frustration stems from the fact that so many of the sick souls for whom He died refuse to be brought to Him for help. Some of these dying individuals think they can heal themselves; some refuse to believe they are ill; others imagine they can wait until a later time to receive Jesus' forgiveness, which washes away the cancer of sin.

Sadly, many die before they ever meet the great Physician of body and soul. Theirs is a tragic and an unnecessary loss.

This is why I would like to take this opportunity to encourage you to invite someone to worship. Don't browbeat them; don't antagonize them; don't argue with them; don't belittle them. Just say, "I've been given a new life through my Savior. I'd like to introduce you to Him. If you come, I think you won't be disappointed."

Then, offer to bring them through those intimidating church doors. Offer to bring them to Jesus who is waiting to heal sin-sick souls.
   Pastor Anthony

Jesus said) "I must work the works of Him that sent Me, while it is day: the night cometh, when no man can work. As long as I am in the world, I am the light of the world." John 9:4-5

One thing on the agenda of every board, committee or congregational assembly meeting is "unfinished business."

Unfinished business are the things we meant to do, but haven't done yet. They are the things which took too long to finish, the things which are more complex than we had imagined, the things which, in spite of our best intentions, had to be left incomplete.

In recent years I've noticed many people also have unfinished business in their lives.

No, they don't call it "unfinished business." They give it a nicer, cuter name. They call if their "bucket list." By that they mean those things which they want to get done before they "kick the bucket." A person's bucket list might include places or people who need to be visited. A bucket list might have apologies that need to be made, restitution which needs to be offered, a statement of love which needs to be shared. A bucket list might even be the mastery of a foreign language or a musical instrument. It might even be a complete reading of the Bible.

A bucket list is anything and everything we need to do before we die.

Now, generally a bucket list is a pretty personal and private thing. What is on your bucket list may never show up on mine. What is at the top of my bucket list may never be written down on yours. Still, there is one thing that ought to be on the bucket list of every man, woman and child in this world. That one thing needful is to have faith in Jesus Christ as your Lord and Savior from sin.

Now I don't want you to get the wrong idea. Faith in Jesus is not something you can do. That's because faith is a gift that comes from God. The plan, its completion, its placement in our hearts is all an unearned present from our gracious God.

Even so, if having Jesus as your Savior is not an item that is checked off your bucket list, I encourage you to let the Holy Spirit work in your heart. Let Him work now because, as Jesus says in the text above, a time will come when "no man can work." My grandfather would remind me, "don't put off what can be done today."

It was Jesus' way of saying, "believe today while you still can." It was His way of saying, "faith in Me shouldn't be unfinished business."

Pastor Anthony

We are afflicted in every way, but not crushed; perplexed, but not driven to despair; persecuted, but not forsaken; struck down, but not destroyed; always carrying in the body the death of Jesus, so that the life of Jesus may also be manifested in our bodies. 2 Corinthians 4:8-10

When Paul wrote those words, he was speaking to a church which had and would continue to encounter prejudice and persecution from the people of the world -- a world like ours.

Understand, America's persecution is not like that of Ugandan Pastor Umar Mulinde who had acid thrown in his face. We have not experienced the pain of Eva Abdullah, a 17-year-old girl from Tanzania who has been disowned by her parents and jailed for two years for having insulted the Koran. We are not in mourning like the family of Egyptian Refaat Eskander who was murdered hours after propaganda promised a bounty to anyone who kills Christian Copts.

Even so, a new 140-page report released by the Family Research Council and Liberty Institute maintains America's Christians are being persecuted. The report cites examples like that

* of a federal judge, who threatened to jail a high-school valedictorian, if "Jesus" wasn't removed from her graduation speech,

* or city officials, who stopped seniors from praying over meals, listening to religious messages, or singing Gospel songs at their activities center,

* or the U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs, which wanted to forbid a pastor from praying or referring to Jesus during a Memorial Day ceremony and

* a federal judge, who said prayers before a State House of Representatives could be made to Allah but not to Jesus.

Quite frankly, I can't tell you which form of persecution is worse. I know which one is more violent, but I don't know whether violence or slowly undermining freedom of speech and religion is more effective.

I probably won't live long enough to get a complete answer to that question.

But my children will and so will my grandchildren. Again and again we hear politicians and economists talk about the financial debts and burdens we are leaving those who come after us. If the figures they quote are correct, our descendants will indeed be carrying a heavy burden.

But that burden is minor and of little consequence when compared to the spiritual threat that will come to those who live in a society which has proudly declared its delusional independence from God. This is why today we ask the Lord to make some sweeping changes in our hearts and upon our land.
Pastor Anthony

The man said, "The woman whom You gave to be with me, she gave me the fruit of the tree, and I ate." Then the Lord God said to the woman, "What is this you have done?" The woman said, "The serpent deceived me, and I ate." Genesis 3:12-13

Police said Jennifer Brown stole some things from a Holiday Inn in Big Beaver, Pennsylvania.
They said she pilfered some sheets, an alarm clock, a coffee pot, a basket and a hair-dryer. Grand total for the theft was somewhere around $206.

"Not me," said Brown. "It was my evil twin sister who did the stealing.

While police were investigating the evil twin sister, they received a phone call from Brown. She said they could call off the investigation because her evil twin had returned all the things she had taken.

Sure enough. The things were back, exactly as Brown had said they would be.

So, case closed? Nope. In their investigation -- an investigation which had them talking to Brown's family -- they found Jennifer has no twin sister, evil or otherwise. The twin sister was just an invention to whom Jennifer could pass the buck and place the blame -- just like Adam and Eve up above.

Now we may not be as direct in our blame-passing as were Adam and Eve, and we may not be as creative as was Jennifer Brown, but that doesn't change anything. Sinful humanity, of which we are a part, loves to place the blame for all that is evil on someone else. We've found it's comfortable and convenient to blame a spouse, a sibling, a boss, a circumstance or situation.

We like the idea of making ourselves look good, while we make someone else look bad.

Of course, that doesn't fly with the Lord. In Eden's garden the Lord showed He held every soul accountable for his own misdeeds. In prison parlance we had "done the crime," so we had to "do the time." Unfortunately, the time we had to do was forever and the place we had to do it was hell.

This is why you and I ought to be eternally grateful for the Savior who had done no crime still took our evil misdeeds and carried them to the cross. There, having completed a life led without any sin of His own, the Christ died carrying our sins. In short, He died so we might live. He rose from the dead to assure us we need not die.

Jesus is God's Good News, which needs to be shared with everyone, with the exception, of course, of evil, non-existent twin sisters.
Pastor Anthony

He said to them, “But who do you say that I am?†Simon Peter replied, “You are the Christ, the Son of the living God.†Matthew 16:15-16

In 1946, Dr. Percy Spencer was an engineer with the Raytheon Corporation.

At the time of this story, Spencer was looking at a new vacuum tube, the "magnetron, "and ways that tube could improve government radar. That's what he was looking for... what he found was a candy bar which melted in his pocket. Thinking the magnetron might have caused the mess, Spencer put some popcorn kernels close to the machine. They popped and shot all over his lab.

The next day, with another scientist recruited to witness what was happening; Spencer put an egg near the tube. The egg rocked and it rolled and the other scientist moved in for a closer look. He was rewarded with a front row seat of an exploding egg.

No dummy, Spencer forgot radar and explored this new method of cooking. Hot dogs were especially fascinating as they went from cold to cooked in a few seconds. He called the frankfurters: "the Speedie Weenie."

It was Serendipitous. Spencer had been looking for one thing and found something better. That's serendipity and serendipity is what we're talking about this month in our Weekender devotions.

You know, over the centuries many people have spiritually traveled to the Bethlehem manger, to Calvary's cross, to Jesus' borrowed and empty tomb.

They thought they were looking for a brilliant Teacher, an enlightened Philosopher, a great Leader, a remarkable Physician. Some of those folks even thought they might find a Charlatan, a Conman, a Fake. If they looked carefully, these folks were given a vision, a faith in Someone who was infinitely better than their original expectations.

Replacing all their preconceptions, they were offered a Savior. They were shown God's Son, the Redeemer of the world, the Christ who offered His life so humanity might be forgiven and might be given eternal life.

That's what Peter was saying when he made his serendipity statement about Jesus being the Son of God, the Christ, the Savior of the world. By the Holy Spirit's power, the fisherman understood that Jesus was more than a prophet or John the Baptist returned from the grave. Jesus was God's Son, the Bread of Life.

Dr. Percy Spencer, the fellow who accidentally discovered the microwave and a new way of cooking, would understand that part about Jesus being "The Bread of Life." I pray the same understanding and faith will be given to the rest of the world. If this makes sense to you stop by His house and feast on His WORD.
Pastor Anthony

In Him was life, and the life was the light of men. The light shines in the darkness, and the darkness has not overcome it. John 1:4-5

Can you imagine the jealousy people from the past would feel if they could be transported from way back then to today? They would be astounded at the many and varied blessings which we take for granted, but they might consider to be almost miraculous.

High on that list would be the blessing of fire; maybe, I should say, the kitchen match -- the miracle of fire on demand.

Phosphorous, which makes a match light, was discovered in 1669 by a German alchemist. Since the stuff couldn't help him turn lead into gold, the chemist forgot his phosphorous and moved on. English chemist Robert Boyle discovered if he rubbed phosphorous and sulfur together, he could get a fire going almost every single time. Since Boyle couldn't think of a purpose for his interesting phenomenon, he also moved on.

Things changed when in 1827 Johnny Walker, an English pharmacist, stirred a batch of chemicals and set down his stirrer. By the time he picked up the stick again, the goop on the end had hardened. Purely by instinct, Walker tried to scrape off the goop by rubbing the stick on the floor. You guessed it: fire on demand.

The kitchen match was born.

Serendipity. Walker was only trying to clean up a stick, and he ended up with fire on demand. Light had come into the world.

It was hardly the first time. When God created the world, He created light. That was good. When He wanted to save the world from the darkness of sin, the devil, and the grave, He sent His only Son. That was even better.

Of course, when Jesus walked the earth, people didn't always see Him as the God-sent dispeller of darkness. King Herod thought Jesus was his competition for an earthly throne. The Pharisees saw Him as an upstart upsetting the status quo. The Sadducees considered His death a price that needed to be paid, if they were to avoid Roman extermination.

A sinner, a rebel, a liar, a Samaritan, a devil: that's what people called Him back then.

A teacher, a prophet, a philosopher, a figment of the disciples' imagination: that's what many critics and skeptics call Him now.

Still, for Christians who once were in darkness but have been moved to the marvelous light of salvation, Jesus is our spiritual serendipity. For us the sinless Son of God remains the Light of the world, the Light who has loved us, redeemed us, and brought us before His Father's throne.

Serendipity ... more than we expected or deserved.
Pastor Anthony


A Time for Serious Prayer
This news item came to me earlier this week, and I thought I'd share it with you.  These brothers and sisters in Christ are suffering from the political turmoil in Egypt not because of their politics, but because of their faith.  As they suffer, the whole body of Christ - including us - suffers with them.  Please pray for them, for their safety, for their strength of faith in the face of trial, and for an end to the conflict that has enveloped their country.

Cairo (AsiaNews) - At least 58 Christian churches, schools, institutions, homes and shops were attacked, looted and torched last week by the Muslim Brotherhood and supporters of Mohamed Morsi, the former Egyptian president who was deposed on 3 July . On August 14 the army tried to evict the sit-in of the Islamists in Rabaa El Nahda Square and Adaweya. In a wave of devastating violence, over 600 people were killed and thousands injured. But violent attacks were also carried out on Catholic, Orthodox, Evangelical churches as well as the homes and shops of Christians.

The representatives of the Christian Churches have drawn up a list which we publish below. The list was handed over to AsiaNews by the Press Office of the Catholic Church in Egypt.

Catholic churches and convents
1. Franciscan church and school (road 23) - burned (Suez)
2. Monastery of the Holy Shepherd and hospital - burned (Suez)
3. Church of the Good Shepherd, Monastery of the Good Shepherd - burned in molotov attack (Asuit)
4. Coptic Catholic Church of St. George - burned (Minya, Upper Egypt)
5. Church of the Jesuits - burned (Minya, Upper Egypt)
6. Fatima Basilica - attacked - Heliopolis
7. Coptic Catholic Church of St. Mark - burned (Minya - Upper Egypt)
8. Franciscan convent (Sisters of the Immaculate Heart of Mary) - burned (Beni Suef, Upper Egypt)
9. Church of St. Teresa - burned (Asuit, Upper Egypt)
10. Franciscan Church and School - burned (Asuit, Upper Egypt)
11. Convent of St Joseph and school - burned (Minya, Upper Egypt)
12. Coptic Catholic Church of the Sacred Heart - torched (Minya, Upper Egypt)
13 Convent of the Sisters of Saint Mary - attacked (Cairo)
14. School of the Holy Shepherd - attacked (Minya, Upper Egypt)

Orthodox and Evangelical Churches
1. Anglican Church of St. Saviour - burned (Suez)
2. Evangelical Church of St Michael - surrounded and sacked (Asuit, Upper Egypt)
3. Coptic Orthodox Church of St. George - Burned (Minya, Upper Egypt)
4. Church of Al-Esla - burned (Asuit, Upper Egypt)
5. Adventist Church - burned, the pastor and his wife abducted (Asuit, Upper Egypt)
6. Church of the Apostles - burned (Asuit, Upper Egypt)
7. Church of the Holy renewal - burned (Asuit, Upper Egypt)
8. Diocesan Centre Coptic Orthodox Qusiya - burned (Asuit, Upper Egypt)
9. Church of St. George - burned (Arish, North Egypt)
10. Church of St. George in al-Wasta - burned (Beni Suef, Upper Egypt)
11. Church of the Virgin Mary - attacked (Maadi, Cairo)
12. Church of the Virgin Mary - attacked (Mostorod, Cairo)
13. Coptic Orthodox Church of St. George - attacked (Helwan, Cairo)
14. Church of St. Mary of El Naziah - burned (Fayoum, Upper Egypt)
15. Church of Santa Damiana - sacked and burned (Fayoum, Upper Egypt)
16. Church of St. Theodore - burned (Fayoum, Upper Egypt)
17. Evangelical Church of al-Zorby - Sacked and destroyed (Fayoum, Upper Egypt)
18. Church of St. Joseph - burned (Fayoum, Upper Egypt)
19. Franciscan School - burned (Fayoum, Upper Egypt)
20. Coptic Orthodox Diocesan Center of St. Paul - burned (Gharbiya, Delta)
21. Coptic Orthodox Church of St. Anthony - burned (Giza)
22. Coptic Church of St. George - burned (Atfeeh, Giza)
23. Church of the Virgin Mary and father Abraham - burned (Delga, Deir Mawas, Minya, Upper Egypt)
24. Church of St. Mina Abu Hilal Kebly - burned (Minya, Upper Egypt)
25. Baptist Church in Beni Mazar - burned (Minya, Upper Egypt)
26. Church of Amir Tawadros - burned (Minya, Upper Egypt)
27. Evangelical Church - burned (Minya, Upper Egypt)
28. Church of Anba Moussa al-Aswad- burned (Minya, Upper Egypt)
29. Church of the Apostles - burned (Minya, Upper Egypt)
30. Church of St Mary - arson attempt (Qena, Upper Egypt)
31. Coptic Church of St. George - burned (Sohag, Upper Egypt)
32. Church of Santa Damiana - Attacked and burned (Sohag, Upper Egypt)
33. Church of the Virgin Mary - burned (Sohag, Upper Egypt)
34. Church of St. Mark and community center - burned (Sohag, Upper Egypt)
35. Church of Anba Abram - destroyed and burned (Sohag, Upper Egypt)

Christian institutions
1. House of Fr. Angelos (pastor of the church of the Virgin Mary and Father Abraham) - burned (Minya, Upper Egypt)
2. Properties and shops of Christians - Burnt (Arish, North Egypt)
3. 17 Christian homes attacked and looted (Minya, Upper Egypt)
4. Christian homes - Attach (Asuit, Upper Egypt)
5. Offices of the Evangelical Foundation - burned (Minya, Upper Egypt)
6. Stores, pharmacies, hotels owned by Christians - attacked and looted (Luxor, Upper Egypt)
7. Library of the Bible Society - burned (Cairo)
8. Bible Society - burned (Fayoum, Upper Egypt)
9. Bible Society- burned (Asuit, North Egypt).

Burned buildings owned by Christians
•1.       58 houses.
•2.       85 shops.
•3.       16 pharmacies.
•4.       3 hotels (Upper Egypt)
•5.       75 buses and cars.
7 Victims (killed) 17 kidnapping and hundreds injured. 


For I am the least of the apostles, unworthy to be called an apostle, because I persecuted the church of God. But by the grace of God I am what I am, and His grace toward me was not in vain. 1 Corinthians 15:9-10


Odds are pretty good that very few have ever heard of that little Bavarian town in the mountains near the German-Czech border. There are even better odds that most of us can't say that hamlet's name without a bit of practice.

No matter, Mitterfirmiansreut is still going to be a tourist attraction from now until the beginning of spring.


I'm glad you asked. It's because in honor of the past, the people of Mitterfirmiansreut have built a church composed of snow and ice. The 65-foot-long building worships 200 and is composed of slabs of ice and 49,000 cubic feet of the white stuff.

So, what happened in the past which caused the folks of that Bavarian mountain village to build a snow church? Back in 1911 the Christians of Mitterfirmiansreut had grown tired of walking hours to a neighboring community for worship. To show their enthusiasm for a local facility, they erected the community's first snow church.

And being a practical lot, they used the most common materials to do the job. It's a trick they must have learned from the Lord.

It's true, you know. The Lord doesn't always use the most brilliant, the most beautiful or the brightest among us to accomplish His purposes.

Read through Scripture and you will see Him call an exiled murderer to lead His people out of slavery. He will select a forgettable Bethlehem shepherd boy to be king over His people, and a despised tax-collector to record the story of the Redeemer's life.

This is why, if I were you, I wouldn't be too surprised if the Lord taps you on the shoulder and says, "I'd like you to do this for me" or "I'd like you to work on that so my Son's Name might be better known." No, I wouldn't be surprised, and I wouldn't be too eager to tell the Lord there are many others better qualified to do the job.

There may be others, but it's you He has selected.

That's a fact St. Paul understood. That's why he wrote the words of today's text that tell us God's grace has made us what we are, and it's by His power His work is done.  Jesus died for you, and I wonder what job has for you????
Pastor Anthony

And when they saw it, they made known the saying that had been told them concerning this Child. And all who heard it wondered at what the shepherds told them. But Mary treasured up all these things, pondering them in her heart. Luke 2:17-19

The first European eyes ever to look upon the Grand Canyon were men who were with the Spanish Conquistador, Coronado. That was way back in the 1540s.

Since that time, millions have come to see that 277-mile-long gorge. Every generation has been amazed at its fantastic shapes and multi-colored peaks, canyons, ravines, and layers of rock -- and at what has been called the most "awe inspiring of Earth's spectacles."

Not so long ago, a man stood with his young son at the edge of the Grand Canyon. Pondering the beauty which lay before them, the boy said to his father, "Dad, something must have happened here!"

With Christmas gone, we, like Mary, may find ourselves pondering the events of these last weeks.

It is my belief that if a stranger had seen our churches, our homes, our tables, our lights, our trees, our cards, our presents, he might also be moved to say, "Something has happened here!" If he thought that, he would be right, wouldn't he?

Something has happened. Of course, that which happened will not be found in strings of lights, in the wrapped presents or exhausted shopping malls. If a stranger wanted to understand what has happened, they would do well to go and talk to Mary.

After everything had happened it says, "Mary treasured up all these things, pondering them in her heart." Mary pondered how something had happened in Rome and Bethlehem and Nazareth and Jerusalem and Egypt. She pondered something which she knew would change the world.

With Christmas over and most of the decorations put away, it is time for us to join her in that pondering. It is time for us to ponder a love so great it can skip over oceans and span centuries.
It is time for us to ponder a light so bright it still shines after all the Christmas strings are unplugged and put away.

It is time for us to ponder a gift so profoundly personal it should never be set to the side or stuffed away for some other day.  It is time for us to ponder a Savior who has lived, died, risen and remains with all those who -- with a repentant heart -- see what He has done for them.

Pastor Anthony


This page was last updated: July 5, 2019